Web Wolf Agency

Software Development

Mobile applications, systems development, systems integration, creation of self-service environments

Let's Turn Technical Challenges Into Your Company's Success

If you’re facing technical challenges in software development, you’re in the right place because at Web Wolf Agency, we do not shy away from even the biggest software development challenges. We are specialists in developing mobile applications, systems, system integrations, and user-friendly self-service platforms. Thanks to our extensive expertise in various programming languages, we are capable of providing tailored solutions for your company as well. These solutions not only increase operational efficiency but also improve customer satisfaction, thereby giving your company a clear competitive advantage.

Software Development Services

Mobile Apps

We develop apps for both iOS and Android platforms that are functional and offer a convenient user experience to help you support your business goals.

Systems Development

Do you need warehouse systems that optimise inventory management and logistical processes? Logistics systems that increase the efficiency of your logistics operations? Or accounting and financial management software to help you manage your company’s finances more easily and enable better decision-making? The Web Wolf software development team is here to help!

System Integration

Do you want to improve business processes and increase efficiency, thereby supporting your company’s business objectives both directly and indirectly? The team at Web Wolf can help you with the harmonisation and integration of different IT systems and applications. We identify the best ways to integrate different systems and platforms, ensuring data consistency, security and availability.

Creating Self-Service Environments

Together, we enable both your customers and employees to manage their activities, accounts, place orders, track order status, and everything else that’s relevant to your idea. When developing environments, we place a strong emphasis on user-friendliness and accessibility of support, providing a pleasant user experience.

Broad Skill Set

Let’s advance your business by using all the essential programming languages – JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS3 & HTML5, PHP, Python, C#, Kotlin, Swift.

Why Choose Web Wolf Agency?

Web Wolf Agency’s core values


We value direct and immediate communication. We set clear goals and expectations.


We are readily available and our internal processes are in order – simple things don’t take long. või things that are simple don’t take a long time.


We stay current with the latest technological developments. We implement the industry’s best practices.

The Next 4 Steps

Contact Us
Call or write – let’s exchange ideas!
Price Quote
We map your project and provide you personally with a quote.
We execute the project and combine your wishes with the best available practices.
Dominate the Market
beat your competition and dominate the market.