Web Wolf Agency

Setting Up Website Analytics

Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics and Google Search Console

Don’t be in the dark...

…when it comes to web analytics – clear and easy-to-understand web analytics can help you make the right decisions for your business.

How can analytics help you?

All Information in One Place

We produce an automatically updated visual report that clearly displays all web analytics.

You don’t need to be a specialist to understand it.

24/7 Available Report

Data is automatically updated, so all the information is available to you 24/7.

Analytics Services

Setting Up Analytics

Connecting Tag Manager, Analytics and Search Console to the website. An automatically updated visual report/dashboard is included, showing you the most important aspects of what’s happening on the website.


Consultation on the state of the website – we’ll review areas of concern and analyse where the growth is coming from. We answer any questions.

Setting Up E-Shop Analytics

Setting up e-shop analytics and creating an automatically updated analytics report/dashboard.

Setting Up Conversions

Setting up conversions in Google Tag Manager.

Would Like to Have a Better Understanding of Your Website's Traffic, Performance and Channels?

The aim of analytics is to assess the performance of your website, advertising campaigns and marketing activities and to provide the business owner or marketing manager with essential information to help plan business activities, set goals and evaluate results.

Analytics provides a clear and understandable picture of what is happening on the website, visitor behaviour, the effectiveness of marketing channels and many other aspects.

Why Choose Web Wolf Agency?

Web Wolf Agency’s core values


We value direct and immediate communication. We set clear goals and expectations.


We are readily available and our internal processes are in order – simple things don’t take long. või things that are simple don’t take a long time.


We stay current with the latest technological developments. We implement the industry’s best practices.

The Next 4 Steps

Contact Us
Call or write – let’s exchange ideas!
Price Quote
We map your project and provide you personally with a quote.
We Set Up Analytics
We smoothly carry out the analytics setup.
Dominate the Market
beat your competition and dominate the market.