Web Wolf Agency


Website (full-stack development)


The main objective of the project was to create a modern website, e-shop functionality and a medical test result reporting system for the Health Technologies Development Centre to operate in Estonia and foreign markets. The aim of the website is to sell home microbiome tests to the client and then manage the whole process and reporting of the results.

In addition to the e-shop functionality, which allows users to conveniently order the test, pay for it using all the most popular payment methods and order the test directly to their home, we also created a customer view interface, which allows users to register the test and later view the results. We also developed an interface from the company’s view, which allows the test results to be reported to the client and the whole process to be automated.

Once the test has physically reached the client, the client is able to register their test in the system with a unique code. We created a system on the website to report results to the client: the InvisibleM team can conveniently generate modern and easy-to-read reports based on the test results, and enter and send them to the client. The client can conveniently log into the platform from the website and then read the test results. A notification system has also been developed on the website, which will inform both the client and the company of events by e-mail at key stages.

In developing and designing the website, we paid attention to best practice in the field, clinicality, cleanliness and conservatism, while ensuring user-friendliness.

As part of the management service, we will continue to keep a close eye on everything, ensure security, make changes to the content of the website at the client’s request, and send a regular monthly report with exciting statistics, explanations and comments on the website each month.

Some of the work done on the website:

– Website structure and design

– Website development works in TS (TypeScript) and JS (JavaScript) programming language

– Creation of e-shop functionality

– Creating a user interface for reporting results back (automated reports)

– Setting up databases

– Creating a user interface for registering the test and displaying the results

– Setting up a notification system

– Application of the website with all smart devices

– Sending a monthly report

– Website management
Check out the website
Check out the website